Friday 23 April 2010

Get Out...

...and vote! Some people are already casting postal votes, others have just over 12 days to wait before they can cast their ballot. It's worth remembering that we have fought wars, vested interests, discrimination and ourselves over the right to self determination. Democracy was born thousands of years ago, and is still not perfectly modelled by any means, but it does give each of us a voice (unless you are insane, under 18, in prison, serving in the armed forces abroad or the Queen!) It seems to me that after falling turnout for the last few General Elections, something has fired people up about this election to get more people out to vote. A lot of those I have met locally who did not vote last time have said they will this year. Whilst some will not in the end, I think we will see more people casting a vote in 2010. There are certainly more candidates standing than ever before in any GE. Over 4000 people nationwide have put their money where their mouth is and been nominated. That too is good for democracy. All we need now is a fully elected second chamber, a fair proportional voting system, fixed term Parliaments, the right to sack corrupt MPs and caps on funding for political parties and we'll be sorted.....

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